Name Year Title Accession Seq-method Species Link
Chen et al. 2020 Single-cell transcriptomics reveals regulators underlying immune cell diversity and immune subtypes associated with prognosis in nasopharyngeal carcinom GSE150430 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Gong et al. 2021 Comprehensive single-cell sequencing reveals the stromal dynamics and tumor-specific characteristics in the microenvironment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma GSE150825 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Song et al. 2020 Cellular heterogeneity landscape in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma GSE150321 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Goldfarbmuren et al. 2020 Dissecting the cellular specificity of smoking effects and reconstructing lineages in the human airway epithelium GSE134174 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Murthy et al. 2022 Human distal lung maps and lineage hierarchies reveal a bipotent progenitor GSE178360 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Kathiriya et al. 2022 Human alveolar Type 2 epithelium transdifferentiates into metaplastic KRT5+ basal cells GSE150247 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Chan et al. 2021 Signatures of plasticity, metastasis, and immunosuppression in an atlas of human small cell lung cancer scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Chua et al. 2020 COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium–immune cell interactions identified by single-cell analysis EGAS00001004481 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Delorey et al. 2021 COVID-19 tissue atlases reveal SARS-CoV-2 pathology and cellular targets GSE171668 snRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Loske et al. 2021 Pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children EGAS00001005461 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Salahudeen et al. 2020 Progenitor identification and SARS-CoV-2 infection in human distal lung organoids GSE106850 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Basil et al. 2022 Human distal airways contain a multipotent secretory cell that can regenerate alveoli GSE130076 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
García et al. 2019 Novel dynamics of human mucociliary differentiation revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing of nasal epithelial cultures GSE121600 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ahn et al. 2021 Nasal ciliated cells are primary targets for SARS-CoV-2 replication in the early stage of COVID-19 GSE155113 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Duclos et al. 2019 Characterizing smoking-induced transcriptional heterogeneity in the human bronchial epithelium at single-cell resolution GSE131391 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lu et al. 2020 Rho/SMAD/mTOR triple inhibition enables long-term expansion of human neonatal tracheal aspirate-derived airway basal cell-like cells GSE137950 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Georg et al. 2021 Complement activation induces excessive T cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-19 GSE175450 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wu et al. 2021 Single-cell profiling of tumor heterogeneity and the microenvironment in advanced non-small cell lung cancer GSE148071 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ren et al. 2021 COVID-19 immune features revealed by a large-scale single-cell transcriptome atlas GSE158055 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Melms et al. 2021 A molecular single-cell lung atlas of lethal COVID-19 GSE171524 snRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Unterman et al. 2022 Single-cell multi-omics reveals dyssynchrony of the innate and adaptive immune system in progressive COVID-19 GSE155224 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Silvin et al. 2020 Elevated Calprotectin and Abnormal Myeloid Cell Subsets Discriminate Severe from Mild COVID-19 GSE145926 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Plasschaert et al. 2018 A single-cell atlas of the airway epithelium reveals the CFTR-rich pulmonary ionocyte GSE102580 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Kim et al. 2020 Single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrates the molecular and cellular reprogramming of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma GSE131907 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lim et al. 2023 Organoid modeling of human fetal lung alveolar development reveals mechanisms of cell fate patterning and neonatal respiratory disease E-MTAB-11435 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
He et al. 2022 A human fetal lung cell atlas uncovers proximal-distal gradients of differentiation and key regulators of epithelial fates E-MTAB-11278 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Arunachalam et al. 2020 Systems biological assessment of immunity to mild versus severe COVID-19 infection in humans GSE155673 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Yoshida et al. 2022 Local and systemic responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adults GSE168215 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wyler et al. 2020 Bulk and single-cell gene expression profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infected human cell lines identifies molecular targets for therapeutic intervention GSE148729 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lukassen et al. 2020 SARS‐CoV‐2 receptor ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are primarily expressed in bronchial transient secretory cells 7r2cwbw44m snRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Madissoon et al. 2022 A spatially resolved atlas of the human lung characterizes a gland-associated immune niche Unclassified scRNA-seq, snRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Miller et al. 2020 In Vitro and In Vivo Development of the Human Airway at Single-Cell Resolution E-MTAB-8221 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Szabo et al. 2021 Longitudinal profiling of respiratory and systemic immune responses reveals myeloid cell-driven lung inflammation in severe COVID-19 Unclassified scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Adams et al. 2020 Single-cell RNA-seq reveals ectopic and aberrant lung-resident cell populations in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis GSE136831 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
He et al. 2022 Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Unravels Distinct Tumor Microenvironment of Different Components of Lung Adenocarcinoma Featured as Mixed Ground-Glass Opacity GSE203360 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Song et al. 2019 Dissecting intratumoral myeloid cell plasticity by single cell RNA-seq GSE117570 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Dost et al. 2020 Organoids Model Transcriptional Hallmarks of Oncogenic KRAS Activation in Lung Epithelial Progenitor Cells GSE149655 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Valenzi et al. 2020 Single-cell analysis reveals fibroblast heterogeneity and myofibroblasts in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease GSE128169 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Zhang et al. 2023 Mast cell marker gene signature: prognosis and immunotherapy response prediction in lung adenocarcinoma through integrated scRNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq GSE150938 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Li et al. 2023 Heme oxygenase-1 determines the cell fate of ferroptotic death of alveolar macrophages in COPD GSE227691 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Pai et al. 2023 Lineage tracing reveals clonal progenitors and long-term persistence of tumor-specific T cells during immune checkpoint blockade GSE185206 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Valenzi et al. 2023 Single-nucleus chromatin accessibility identifies a critical role for TWIST1 in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis myofibroblast activity GSE214085 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lambrechts et al. 2018 Phenotype molding of stromal cells in the lung tumor microenvironment E-MTAB-6149 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Han et al. 2020 Construction of a human cell landscape at single-cell level GSE134355 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Szabo et al. 2019 Single-cell transcriptomics of human T cells reveals tissue and activation signatures in health and disease GSE126030 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Madissoon et al. 2019 scRNA-seq assessment of the human lung, spleen, and esophagus tissue stability after cold preservation scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Mould et al. 2021 Airspace Macrophages and Monocytes Exist in Transcriptionally Distinct Subsets in Healthy Adults GSE151928 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Consortium et al. 2022 The Tabula Sapiens: A multiple-organ, single-cell transcriptomic atlas of humans GSE201333 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Travaglini et al. 2020 A molecular cell atlas of the human lung from single-cell RNA sequencing syn21041850 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Yu et al. 2021 Comprehensive identification of fetal cis-regulatory elements in the human genome by single-cell multi-omics analysis scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Madissoon et al. 2019 Lung, spleen and oesophagus tissue remains stable for scRNAseq in cold preservation HCA scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Deprez et al. 2020 A Single-Cell Atlas of the Human Healthy Airways EGAS00001004082 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Okuda et al. 2020 Secretory Cells Dominate Airway CFTR Expression and Function in Human Airway Superficial Epithelia GSE160673 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Liu et al. 2021 Delineating spatiotemporal and hierarchical development of human fetal innate lymphoid cells GSE163587 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Conchola, et al. 2022 Regionally distinct progenitor cells in the lower airway give rise to neuroendocrine and multiciliated cells in the developing human lung E-MTAB-8221 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Seumois et al. 2020 Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of allergen-specific T cells in allergy and asthma GSE146170 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Jackson et al. 2020 Single-Cell and Population Transcriptomics Reveal Pan-epithelial Remodeling in Type 2-High Asthma GSE145013 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Carraro et al. 2020 Single-Cell Reconstruction of Human Basal Cell Diversity in Normal and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Lungs GSE143706 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Chen et al. 2022 Comparable bidirectional neutrophil immune dysregulation between Kawasaki disease and severe COVID-19 GSE200743 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Conde et al. 2022 Cross-tissue immune cell analysis reveals tissue-specific features in humans E-MTAB-11536 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Braga et al. 2019 A cellular census of human lungs identifies novel cell states in health and in asthma GSE130148 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Waise et al. 2019 An optimised tissue disaggregation and data processing pipeline for characterising fibroblast phenotypes using single-cell RNA sequencing GSE126111 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Zuo et al. 2020 Cell-specific expression of lung disease risk-related genes in the human small airway epithelium GSE123405 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Schupp et al. 2021 Integrated Single-Cell Atlas of Endothelial Cells of the Human Lung GSE164829 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Eraslan G et al. 2021 Single-nucleus cross-tissue molecular reference maps toward understanding disease gene function dbGaP: phs000424.v9 snRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Mayr et al. 2021 Integrative analysis of cell state changes in lung fibrosis with peripheral protein biomarkers nan scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Leader et al. 2021 lung_Leader_20211213 nan scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ursu et al. 2022 Author Correction: Massively parallel phenotyping of coding variants in cancer with Perturb-seq GSE161824 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Jaeger et al. 2022 Airway basal cells show a dedifferentiated KRT17highPhenotype and promote fibrosis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis GSE141939 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Hoffmann et al. 2023 Unique molecular signatures sustained in circulating monocytes and regulatory T cells in Convalescent COVID-19 patients GSE232523 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Prescott et al. 2023 A comparative study of in vitro air-liquid interface culture models of the human airway epithelium evaluating cellular heterogeneity and gene expression at single cell resolution GSE225765 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Hönzke et al. 2022 Human lungs show limited permissiveness for SARS-CoV-2 due to scarce ACE2 levels but virus-induced expansion of inflammatory macrophages GSE198864 snRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Zhu et al. 2022 Delineating the dynamic evolution from preneoplasia to invasive lung adenocarcinoma by integrating single-cell RNA sequencing and spatial transcriptomics GSE189357, GSE189487 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Guo et al. 2018 Global characterization of T cells in non-small-cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing GSE99254 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Bibby et al. 2022 Systematic single-cell pathway analysis to characterize early T cell activation GSE212270 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Sultana et al. 2022 Single-cell RNA-seq analysis to identify potential biomarkers for diagnosis, and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer by using comprehensive bioinformatics approaches GSE127471 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Liu et al. 2021 Tumour heterogeneity and intercellular networks of nasopharyngeal carcinoma at single cell resolution GSE162025 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Huang et al. 2022 Single-cell transcriptomics highlights immunological dysregulations of monocytes in the pathobiology of COPD GSE171541 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Heo et al. 2022 DNA methylome and single-cell transcriptome analyses reveal CDA as a potential druggable target for ALK inhibitor-resistant lung cancer therapy GSE139388 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lee et al. 2020 Immunophenotyping of COVID-19 and influenza highlights the role of type I interferons in development of severe COVID-19 GSE149689 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Guo et al. 2020 Single-cell analysis of two severe COVID-19 patients reveals a monocyte-associated and tocilizumab-responding cytokine storm GSE150861 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Schuurman et al. 2021 Integrated single-cell analysis unveils diverging immune features of COVID-19, influenza, and other community-acquired pneumonia GSE164948 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Thompson et al. 2021 Metabolic programs define dysfunctional immune responses in severe COVID-19 patients GSE166992 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Yu et al. 2021 Mucosal-associated invariant T cell responses differ by sex in COVID-19 GSE171555 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Syrimi et al. 2021 The immune landscape of SARS-CoV-2-associated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) from acute disease to recovery GSE183716 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Li et al. 2022 KIR+CD8+ T cells suppress pathogenic T cells and are active in autoimmune diseases and COVID-19 GSE193770 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Khan et al. 2022 Alveolar Basal Cells Differentiate towards Secretory Epithelial- and Aberrant Basaloid-like Cells In Vitro GSE198153 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Paranjapye et al. 2022 Cell function and identity revealed by comparative scRNA-seq analysis in human nasal, bronchial and epididymis epithelia GSE191061 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Grant et al. 2021 Circuits between infected macrophages and T cells in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia GSE155249 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Khan et al. 2022 Basal-Like Cell-Conditioned Medium Exerts Anti-Fibrotic Effects In Vitro and In Vivo GSE145439 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2020 Single Nucleus Multiomic Profiling Reveals Age-Dynamic Regulation of Host Genes Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection GSE161383 snATAC-seq Homo sapiens Link
Li et al. 2020 Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Dynamic Cell Populations and Differential Gene Expression Patterns in Control and Aneurysmal Human Aortic Tissue GSE155468 scATAC-seq Homo sapiens Link
He et al. 2020 Single-cell transcriptome profiling of an adult human cell atlas of 15 major organs GSE159929 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Witkowski et al. 2022 Untimely TGFβ responses in COVID-19 limit antiviral functions of NK cells GSE184329 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Oliva et al. 2022 Aging-related olfactory loss is associated with olfactory stem cell transcriptional alterations in humans GSE184117 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lin et al. 2022 Multi-Omics Data Analyses Identify B7-H3 as a Novel Prognostic Biomarker and Predict Response to Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma GSE139324 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Liao et al. 2020 Single-cell landscape of bronchoalveolar immune cells in patients with COVID-19 GSE145926 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wagner et al. 2022 Recruitment of highly cytotoxic CD8+ T cell receptors in mild SARS-CoV-2 infection GSE190839 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Rigamonti et al. 2022 Distinct responses of newly identified monocyte subsets to advanced gastrointestinal cancer and COVID-19 GSE213004 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Sinha et al. 2022 Dexamethasone modulates immature neutrophils and interferon programming in severe COVID-19 GSE157789 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Bost et al. 2021 Deciphering the state of immune silence in fatal COVID-19 patients GSE157344 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lee et al. 2022 Heterologous ChAdOx1-BNT162b2 vaccination in Korean cohort induces robust immune and antibody responses that includes Omicron GSE201535 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2022 Landscape of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Soluble Factors in Severe COVID-19 Patients With Pulmonary Fibrosis Development GSE165182 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Guo et al. 2022 Single-cell transcriptomics reveal a unique memory-like NK cell subset that accumulates with ageing and correlates with disease severity in COVID-19 GSE199337 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2022 Identification of Distinct Immune Cell Subsets Associated With Asymptomatic Infection, Disease Severity, and Viral Persistence in COVID-19 Patients GSE165080 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Amrute et al. 2022 Cell specific peripheral immune responses predict survival in critical COVID-19 patients GSE192391 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Bacher et al. 2020 Low avidity T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 in unexposed individuals and severe COVID-19 GSE162086 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Sarma et al. 2021 Tracheal aspirate RNA sequencing identifies distinct immunological features of COVID-19 ARDS GSE163426 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Mysore et al. 2022 Protective heterologous T cell immunity in COVID-19 induced by the trivalent MMR and Tdap vaccine antigens GSE181046 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Combes et al. 2022 Global Absence and Targeting of Protective Immune States in Severe COVID-19 GSE163668 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ghanem et al. 2022 Proteomic and Single-Cell Transcriptomic Dissection of Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Response to Influenza Virus GSE189120 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Reyfman et al. 2019 Single-Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Human Lung Provides Insights into the Pathobiology of Pulmonary Fibrosis GSE122960 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2018 Expansion of hedgehog disrupts mesenchymal identity and induces emphysema phenotype GSE102592 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Lamers et al. 2021 An organoid-derived bronchioalveolar model for SARS-CoV-2 infection of human alveolar type II-like cells GSE161934 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Daniloski et al. 2021 Identification of Required Host Factors for SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Human Cells GSE159519 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Randolph et al. 2021 Genetic ancestry effects on the response to viral infection are pervasive but cell type specific GSE162632 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
He et al. 2020 Single-cell analysis reveals bronchoalveolar epithelial dysfunction in COVID-19 patients GSE147143 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Gao et al. 2021 Human nasal wash RNA-Seq reveals distinct cell-specific innate immune responses in influenza versus SARS-CoV-2 GSE176269 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Nilsson-Payant et al. 2021 The NF-κB Transcriptional Footprint Is Essential for SARS-CoV-2 Replication GSE184536 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Zhao et al. 2021 Clonal expansion and activation of tissue-resident memory-like Th17 cells expressing GM-CSF in the lungs of severe COVID-19 patients GSE167118 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Fiege et al. 2020 Single cell resolution of SARS-CoV-2 tropism, antiviral responses, and susceptibility to therapies in primary human airway epithelium GSE157526 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Dugan et al. 2021 Profiling B cell immunodominance after SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals antibody evolution to non-neutralizing viral targets GSE171703 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ramaswamy et al. 2021 Immune dysregulation and autoreactivity correlate with disease severity in SARS-CoV-2-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children GSE166489 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wijst et al. 2021 Longitudinal single-cell epitope and RNA-sequencing reveals the immunological impact of type 1 interferon autoantibodies in critical COVID-19 GSE168453 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wyler et al. 2021 Transcriptomic profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infected human cell lines identifies HSP90 as target for COVID-19 therapy GSE148729 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Caushi et al. 2021 Transcriptional programs of neoantigen-specific TIL in anti-PD-1-treated lung cancers GSE173351 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ziegler et al. 2020 SARS-CoV-2 Receptor ACE2 Is an Interferon-Stimulated Gene in Human Airway Epithelial Cells and Is Detected in Specific Cell Subsets across Tissues GSE148829 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2020 Cell-to-Cell Variation in Defective Virus Expression and Effects on Host Responses during Influenza Virus Infection GSE118773 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Obraztsova et al. 2020 mTORC1 activation in lung mesenchyme drives sex- and age-dependent pulmonary structure and function decline GSE139819 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Bharat et al. 2020 Lung transplantation for patients with severe COVID-19 GSE158127 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Meckiff et al. 2020 Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 reactive CD4 + T cells GSE152522 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ramos et al. 2020 Innate Immune Response to Influenza Virus at Single-Cell Resolution in Human Epithelial Cells Revealed Paracrine Induction of Interferon Lambda 1 GSE122031 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Russell et al. 2019 Extreme heterogeneity of influenza virus infection in single cells GSE108041 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Fischer et al. 2021 Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals ex vivo signatures of SARS-CoV-2-reactive T cells through 'reverse phenotyping' GSE171037 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Zhu et al. 2022 Single-Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Peripheral Immune Responses in Anti-Synthetase Syndrome-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease GSE190510 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Nakayama et al. 2021 Inflammatory molecular endotypes of nasal polyps derived from White and Japanese populations GSE179269 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Yoon et al. 2023 Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals characteristics of myeloid cells in pulmonary post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 GSE235938 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Garrido-Martin et al. 2020 M1hot tumor-associated macrophages boost tissue-resident memory T cells infiltration and survival in human lung cancer GSE116948 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Ma et al. 2021 Single-cell analysis pinpoints distinct populations of cytotoxic CD4+ T cells and an IL-10+CD109+ TH2 cell population in nasal polyps GSE179292 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2023 Dysregulated lung stroma drives emphysema exacerbation by potentiating resident lymphocytes to suppress an epithelial stem cell reservoir GSE196638 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Watanabe et al. 2022 Anomalous Epithelial Variations and Ectopic Inflammatory Response in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease GSE173896 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Liégeois et al. 2022 Airway Macrophages Encompass Transcriptionally and Functionally Distinct Subsets Altered by Smoking GSE183974 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Moghbeli et al. 2021 β-Agonist exposure preferentially impacts lung macrophage cyclic AMP-related gene expression in asthma and asthma COPD overlap syndrome 14782377.v1 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Li et al. 2021 Single cell RNA sequencing identifies IGFBP5 and QKI as ciliated epithelial cell genes associated with severe COPD GSE167265 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wimmers et al. 2021 The single-cell epigenomic and transcriptional landscape of immunity to influenza vaccination GSE165903 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Habermann et al. 2020 Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals profibrotic roles of distinct epithelial and mesenchymal lineages in pulmonary fibrosis GSE135893 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Sheih et al. 2020 Clonal kinetics and single-cell transcriptional profiling of CAR-T cells in patients undergoing CD19 CAR-T immunotherapy GSE125881 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Xu et al. 2020 Persistent viral activity, cytokine storm, and lung fibrosis in a case of severe COVID-19 GSE149878 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Li et al. 2022 ScRNA-seq expression of IFI27 and APOC2 identifies four alveolar macrophage superclusters in healthy BALF GSE193782 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Wang et al. 2020 Single-cell multiomic profiling of human lungs reveals cell-type-specific and age-dynamic control of SARS-CoV2 host genes GSE161381 snATAC-seq Homo sapiens Link
Xu et al. 2023 Adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 persist in the pharyngeal lymphoid tissue of children GSE215802 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link
Sountoulidis et al. 2023 A topographic atlas defines developmental origins of cell heterogeneity in the human embryonic lung GSE215895 scRNA-seq Homo sapiens Link